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Showing posts from February, 2019

Using HTML tables for website layout

I first became a front-end web developer in the year of our Lord, 1998.  Back then, the HTML specification had just reached version 4.0; Internet Explorer 7 was the dominant browser; and, the mantra of separation-of-concerns  was still being preached to web developers.  (Back then merely uttering the phrase CSS-in-JS  would've gotten you killed, professionally speaking.)  What's more, back then, HTML tables were still de rigueur; in fact, many websites used them for layout purposes ( DIV-itis hadn't caught on with the masses as yet; that would happen several years later.) Yes, it was the stone ages of the web -- in comparison to today.  Today, there's a wealth of newer technologies for developers to choose from when building websites, i.e. HTML5 , CSS4 , ES9 , etc.  Long gone is the mantra of separation-of-concerns and in its place sits CSS-in-JS, mockingly.  And, long gone are table-based layouts too; they gave way to the aforementioned DIV-itis phenomenon and t